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Apple iPhone 11 Camera: A Photographer’s First Impression


For some iPhone 11 users, the design might feel boring and outdated – rounded corners encapsulating the display.

But there is one feature that never gets an underwhelming response – the camera.

In this blog, we will cherish and appreciate the snapping talents of this otherwise dated iPhone and will see why it’s still a solid player in the line of fire bombarded with so many new smartphones.

Excited to learn more about that?

Let’s get started.

Smart HDR Gets Smarter

Smart HDR Gets Smarter

Reality check. You can have the best processor, incredibly beautiful display, and a long-lasting battery in a smartphone, but if it sucks at the camera, it’s a big turn-off for most users.

The good news is the iPhone 11 excels in the camera department and so offers the most sought-after feature for iPhone lovers at a reasonable price. You will get the best iPhone 11 price in Australia at Skyphonez.

If you want the best results with your photography efforts then you need to pay attention to numbers. It is estimated that the Sony A7R4, one of the latest and greatest cameras around, can capture 15 stops. 

The iPhone 11 maxes around 10 stops; not a bad performance in any way. It tells that the phone holds enough power to bring some impressive shots to the table. 

The problem of photography limitations has a long history. Professional photographers have long been struggling to take the best shots that reveal much of the details unaffected by the hardware and software.

Before the arrival of modern-day smartphones that are loaded with brilliant photography features and editing capabilities, the classic era photographers ran into the same problem of limited capacity to capture natural-looking shots. 

They would get 13 stops on film negative and then finally came down to 8 stops on paper. They had to dodge and burn the image during the development phase to make everything printable.

Today, thanks to the latest features, a seasoned photographer can easily recover dynamic range from a raw photo by accessing the editing tools. The results look insanely great and the photos are share-worthy on social profiles, as well.

Interestingly, Smart HDR takes a different approach to get a better dynamic range. It doesn’t require a sensor that delivers 15 stops in both bright and dark lighting conditions. All you need is a capable camera that can capture photos fast enough along with a software that can combine the images. The editing is done in real-time automatically without any involvement of the photographer.

The process does have some shortcomings. If you use the iPhone 11 camera for taking photos faster, they will have lesser exposure which results in images with more noise than usual. Snd this has been confirmed by the iPhone XS and iPhone XR camera results. You will need to reduce the noise which can then compromise on the details in the pics.

As a result of this, photographers are influenced to use the RAW mode for taking photos with the iPhone 11. The photos look detailed and the noise remains reasonably within limits.

After the iPhone 11 arrived, the professionals noticed a great improvement from the predecessor. The Smart HDR feature got impressively smarter and better. At times, we felt that with the iPhone XS and XR, the HDR was a little too heavy than required, so, smoothing out texture was a bit difficult. Sometimes, it lost it all entirely.

This is one of the biggest problems with the HDR. You may sometimes have to compromise on contrast and brightness to recover the dynamic range for images. In the worst scenarios, the photos are completely ruined. 

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The Big One: Selective Post-Processing

While you are editing a photo you may want to make changes to the whole picture, including increasing the brightness of the scene or improving the sharpness in the shot. What you can also do is apply selective editing to some portions of the photo.

Apple featured similar retouching features to its photo shooting process. The iPhone 11 breaks down an image into various sections automatically and then applies varying amounts of noise reduction to these areas.

Sky photos normally receive a lot of noise reduction. The obvious reason for this is that the skies tend to have uniform surfaces of colour, iOS figures it can apply its harshest, smoothest noise reduction to make the skies look silky smooth, with very little noise to be found in the shots. 

Other areas receive different levels of noise when captured with the camera. The problem is that this technique is not perfect, either. You will still get a considerable amount of noise in every shot you capture.

The shrubs or congested objects tend to lose detail as the iOS seems to be missing out on the thin boundaries that separate individual objects. 

The camera tends to apply noise reduction based on the amount of initial details it captures. Whenever iOS detects a face, it deals with it differently. It will go specifically to the skin texture, hair, and clothing. Apple calls this “Photo Segmentation”. 

The camera uses machine learning to split the picture into small pieces and process them individually. What’s amazing is that everything is done almost instantly.

This targeted approach makes the iPhone 11 camera a different device than its predecessors. This will allow you to retain most details of objects thanks to this image pipeline that separately processes individual pieces of a photo.

In the Night Mode, the iPhone 11 also tends to lose details in some areas. The images do look sharper than the regular mode, with strong retention and sharpening in areas that are focused during photo capturing. If you want the best deals, Skyphonez gives you the best Apple iPhone 11 price in Australia with free shipping.

Turning a Corner

The standard 28 mm-equivalent lens delivers significantly better details than any older iPhone. The photos look more consistent in many situations and they beat the previous cameras by a big margin.

The ultra-wide camera is a fantastic addition to the camera profile, but photos offer a degraded quality compared to the main lens. The corners and edges are less impressive, the colour deviation is very obvious, the details are disappointing, and the brightness is poor.  

Some features like Deep Fusion, Smart HDR, and Night Mode dramatically enhanced the snapping capabilities of the iPhone 11. This enables professionals to capture great-looking photos whenever and wherever they like.

The incredible hardware and software combination of the iPhone 11 makes it a top camera phone for pros as well as amateurs. The camera carries enough power that make it a brilliant day-to-day camera phone that can be used to capture great shots at any time. 

If you have a dedicated camera that you uses on daily basis for photography purposes, then that might be replaced instantly with your iPhone 11.

The Temptation to Upgrade

A lot of smartphone users are inspired to upgrade to the latest phone with more appealing features and are compelled primarily by the aggressive marketing hype worth millions of dollars.

If you are considering selling your camera and current phone to grab an iPhone 11, then this will be a great trade-off. You will actually save some money after this swap. 

While the camera might not be the best in the world, it does bring beautiful photos and great-looking videos at a great price. This will be a winning deal for most smartphone users.

If you use your phone more frequently across the day, then you will surely feel the upgrade. Especially, if you are coming from an older iPhone model that lacked the advanced cameras as the iPhone 11. 

In case you interact with your iPhone less frequently then you might not feel a significant difference in terms of camera performance. Those extra edges and sharp contrasts will be less obvious if you casually use your iPhone 11 not more often on an average day.

We must admit that the newer iPhones like the iPhone 15 series and iPhone 14 series phones excel in every discipline. That also includes the camera talents. These cameras bring incredible power and processing speed to the package and are driven by machine learning and other advanced technologies.

They bring along powerful cameras with amazing zoom capabilities, beautiful displays, stellar battery life, and an array of smart features that make them super attractive.

But there is one big problem. They cost a lot and a lot of Apple fans simply can’t afford to buy a new iPhone.  


The iPhone 11 features a solid camera that does a great job of capturing finer details and bringing better-light photos. With the help of machine learning and advanced photo editing software, you will get some great-looking shots every time you push that capture button in the camera app. So, the phone is a great camera device and is a perfect companion for professionals as well as regular users who like to have fun.
