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Xiaomi Beats Apple For #2 Spot In Market Share

Xiaomi beats Apple for #2 spot in market share

Since the downfall of Nokia decades back when they were unable to keep up with the changing dynamics of the smartphone industry and sticking to their classics, Apple and Samsung have been the market leaders for more than a decade. The two tech giants have led in every department making it tough for any smartphone manufacturer out there to even give them a tough call until the Chinese mobile brands entered the industry. Half a decade before, Huawei started to grow ferociously in the market and gave a tough call to both Samsung and Apple to such extent that even due to sanctions by America and Google to use Google services in new Huawei devices, it still topped the charts in Q2 for the year 2021 leading for the first time in nine years. The only backdrop it faced was the sanctions by Google but it is still going head to head with tech giants. Now another china based smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi is becoming the big dog in the industry with market shares more than Apple.

Xiaomi Beats Apple To Grab Second Spot:

According to the reports from market share for the second quarter of 2021, Xiaomi beats Apple in terms of mobile sales and market shares and is just slightly behind Samsung that still holds the number one spot. Not only is Xiaomi just 1% in terms of market share behind Apple but it also recorded the highest growth of the company amongst the top five smartphone companies where has Samsung saw a decrease in terms of company growth recorded at 5.4% which is pretty low for the tech giants as compared to 83% annual growth for the Xiaomi. The report by market share highlighted key figures in terms of unit shipment and market share percentage. Samsung is leading with 58 million units shipped and sitting with a total market share of 18%. On the other hand, Xiaomi beats Apple for the second spot with 52.8 million units shipped and captivating the market share of 17% sitting just hair’s breadth behind Samsung.

Xiaomi beats Apple in Share marketOn the other hand, Apple sold 45.7 million units and capturing the share market at 14% seeing a decrease of 2% decline from Q2 of the year 2020. Xiaomi had seized opportunities such as withdrawal of LG from the Latin America region and Huawei’s sanction in America and majority of the European region which provided Xiaomi with a vast area of opportunities to play and control the market. This is first time that China has overtaken USA in terms of mobile market share. Not only this but amongst top five mobile share market holders, there are two other Chinese tech giants Oppo and Vivo that are behind Apple in terms of share whose majority market is China, India, Pakistan and overseas. It is evident that Chinese vendors are greatly benefitted due to up rise of mobile market after pandemic.

Seeing the performance and increased popularity of Xiaomi, it could be predicted that they can overtake Samsung for the number one sport on third quarter of the year although Samsung is planning to launch their Z Fold and Z Flip series later this year which can give them hope to retain their number one spot.

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